October has been a very busy month in our Junior Infants classroom as we celebrated both maths and space week!
Maths week offered the children lots of opportunities for investigating and exploring. Our stimulus was the story of The Three Little Pigs and from there we had so much fun! The boys were busy learning all about the 2D shapes and using these to build and design houses! The building site was brought into the classroom and the boys made sure everybody in the school had a lovely home!!! Our investigations ranged from talking about builings, electricity and what you find in a home! The class also enjoyed a variety of shape and maths trails both in the classroom and outside!
The boys had a blast during space week learning the planet's names and facts about each of the planets! We enjoyed singing our space songs and making the planets from playdough. We also made fantastic art pieces of the Galaxy with all our planets and stars! The children loved reading lots of space stories and imagining our own adventures in space!
October has been a brillliant month learning all about Autumn! We were very busy exploring the outdoors through nature and autumn walks! The children have also created together an amazing nature table / investigation station with the fantastic items we found! We also used our nature walk to gather materials for our Autumn art! We also combined our nature walks and maths week for the ultimate maths week trail using our mini whiteboards to draw what we found!