Just a reminder of our last day before the Christmas Holidays. Santa's visit was so exciting.
As I write, only 328 more sleeps til Christmas 2025!!
An then, January started with a BANG!!
The boys enjoyed a DrumNature drumming session with Neil. They learned all about rhythm, beat patterns and timbre. They had to listen carefully and repeat Neil's drum beat. They did a great job. It wwas great fun and VERY LOUD!!
Yoga with Róisín was a big hit with the boys. A lovely calm descended as the boys practised their, Star pose, Cobra and Downward-facing dog. They also learned how to sign off with 'Namaste' (I bow to you)
Just a sneek peek into February....
We made St Brigid's Butter in honour of her special feast day - February 1st.
The boys put 2 marbles in their jars
They added cream and a pinch of salt. Then, 'shake, shake, shake!'
And 'Hey Presto!'
Delicious brown bread, spread with our creamy, home-made Brigid's Butter, and a dab of strawberry jam....YUM!!