1st class have had a spook-tacular month! We have been busy covering lots of fun things!
The boys have been focusing on Report Writing in English and really explored this during Space Week as we wrote a report on 'The Moon'. The boys really enjoyed this and got stuck in! The boys brought in their own space books and researched their own facts and we brainstormed on the board the different facts the boys found out!
We were also investigating and learning about keeping homes warm and insulated, so the boys carried out very interesting experiements and recorded their results! The boys worked in groups and built different homes and used different insulation materials and investigated which house would stay hottest the longest! We saw some amazing houses and the boys really enjoyed the challenge!
We also explored the Northern Lights in various subjects and created lovely and spectacular art pieces! The boys really enjoyed this and did an amazing job! We have been learning loads about Halloween and Autumn and discovering different Autumn traditions around the world in SESE!
The boys are most definitely looking forward to Mid-Term and most definitely deserve it as they have worked amazingly hard this month in 1st class!