The boys had such a busy month in December from learning about Christmas and Festivals around the world, to practising their Nativity Play, and doing lots of different work in each subject!
The boys did amazing with their Nativity Play and really put every single bit of energy into practising the play in the build up to Christmas! Not only that, but they performed their own assembly for the whole school where they performed an Irish poem, and sang three beautiful songs! Their work and dedication to all activities in December was amazing and they should be so proud of themselves!
We learned about subtraction in Maths and the boys really enjoyed learning this through means of games and active maths talk! The boys responded really well to a subtraction game that we will definitely be using in the New Year! We also learned about Proedural writing where the boys learned the procedure on 'How to Build a Snowman'. We then discussed the procedure on 'How to Make a Hot Chocolate' which resulted in us having a hot chocolate party in the last few days before Christmas holidays which definitely went down a treat!
The boys also visited a local park and got some fresh air and excerise on their walk to and from the park and they loved the games, tag, running and racing they had at the park!
Well done boys for the amazing work done in December!!