We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge last week in St. Mary's. We had an art competition where we had to illustrate a seanfhocal and we had a tráth na gceist on Thursday. The highlight of the week was our taispeántas on Friday in the school yard. We were delighted that so many parents and grandparents were able to come and see it. The two 2nd classes did a rince together!
On Tuesday 19th, the two 2nd Classes visited Croke Park. We had a great day and learned lots of interesting things. We got to check out the dressing room that the Dublin football team used at the last All-Ireland Football Final. We then went to the lounge where the players can go after a match to relax by themselves. Next we got to go pitch side and sit in the seats where the President of Ireland and Taoiseach sit! After that we went to the press room and then to the museum where we had to find answers to the questions in our booklets. Finally we had a go at checking our skills' levels in the interactive games zone! We all agreed that it was a great experience!