The boys delivered a fabulous performance at assembly - they performed 'Help' by The Beatles and 'Counting Stars' by One Republic. They prepared very well for it and on the day, brought the house down with an electric performance!!!
The boys also bid farewell to Mr. Coleman, who has been teaching us for the last 3 weeks. Thanks so much Mr. Coleman - it was brilliant having you to teach us and we learned lots of new things and had lots of fun!!
The boys enjoyed a drumming workshop where they brought some of the rhythm of West Africa to St. Mary's. It was a very loud and enjoyable experience and was a great way for the boys to channel their energy!!
Happy Christmas from all the boys in 4th Class - wishing you all a fantastic Christmas with your families!!
The boys are looking forward to Christmas but have been working very hard!! Santa Claus will be delighted with their efforts!
Here the boys are doing some Maths Modelling - using Maths to describe a problem then find a meaningful solution!
When learners create a mathematical model, they organise and make sense of their mathematical knowledge and choose ways to communicate their mathematical thinking.“Children naturally generate their own informal mathematical models in a way that is context-specific and makes sense to them. As children’s knowledge, understanding and experience grows, they may develop more formal, sophisticated and efficient models which they can use to share, connect and communicate their ideas with others.” (PMC Draft specification March 2022 p25)
This month the boys have been using the Let's Talk Maths framework to support and develop mathematical thinking through playful activities. They have used talk and discussion about ideas and strategies to see how we can solve problems in lots of different ways and justify their reasoning. The boys have the four freedoms to: think, make mistakes, use different methods and ask questions. They have learned to think, share, examine, revoice, extend and reflect. They have started their maths journals.