On the 2nd of February, 17 boys from 6th Class went to Peace Proms in the RDS. We all arrived by 4:30pm and met our teachers and SNA and then we were brought to our seats. Luckily we got front row seats and we got to sit right beside the orchestra. When every school arrived we got started on a practice before the parents arrived.
After we had finished doing the rehearsal we had our lunches and bathroom breaks. We brought in a disposable bag and Ms Phillips & Ms. Doyle brought water, because we could not bring our own metal water bottles. After everyone came back from bathroom breaks, we all sat down and the Cross Border Orchestra came out. The Conductor came onto the stage and introduced the orchestra and all the schools. When he finished the presentation we sang our first song which was ‘Moments We Live For’.
The atmosphere was amazing for all the songs. We sang the Dance Medley in the second half and the Dance Medley was probably the best because our class made up our own dance moves for it! The cameraman was in front of us filming us dancing for the whole thing. We were lucky we were in the front row and had lots of space!
Thank you to our parents for coming to watch us on the night and a big thank you to Ms. Doyle, Ms. Phillips, Mr. Garland and Lynne for planning, organising, practicing with us beforehand and accompanying us on the night. We all really enjoyed it.
Written by Robin, Daniel and James
On Wellbeing Wednesday, 18th December, we were delighted to host a Kahoot Quiz for our 6th class counterparts from Our Lady of Mercy school. The girls and their teachers trecked the 800m down to us first thing in the morning, and mixed teams competed to take the coveted podium spot. Thanks to our SNA Lynne for expertly catering snacks and to Ms Doyle for all the logistics preparation for seating and teams! We look forward to working together with all the 6th class children again in the New Year.
The boys in 6th class (and their teachers, and especially SNA!) have been getting ready for Christmas.
We would like to wish all our families a very peaceful and happy Christmas together.
11 candidates, 4 gardaí, 4 polling clerks, 1 returning officer and 1 presiding officer made up our election cast. Polling clerks manned the tables for voting by 5th and 6th class boys, checking their polling cards and IDs off against the register. The presiding officer oversaw everything in the polling room and Barry Ward even came in to talk about how the election and system of proportional representation work.
After the votes were checked, and one invalid paper excluded, there were 50 valid votes. The quota was worked out as 11 and all the candidates watched as votes were counted and checked. Congratulations to everyone involved and we hope the boys enjoy exercising their right to vote after they turn 18!
6th class got our hands (and plenty of other things!) dirty today with junk art. Take a look at some of our scary constructions ;)