6TH CLASS SERVICE OF LIGHT : We want to remind you that the preparation evening for St Mary’s Boys’ Service of Light takes place this Wednesday the 5th of February at 6p.m in the Church of the Assumption Booterstown and the actual Service of Light will take place the following week on Wednesday the 12th of February at the same time 6p.m. You are not required to bring anything to the preparation session though it is really important that all the boys attend along with one parent and we look forward to seeing you all then.
CYBERSAFE WORKSHOPS FOR KIDS & WEBINAR FOR PARENTS:Aoife Kelly from CyberSafekids will host workshops on cyber safety with 3rd to 6th classes on the 14th of February. There will also be a CyberSafeKids parents’ Zoom talk on Wednesday 12th February at 19:00. The link will be sent out to all beforehand.
FIRST AID COURSE FOR PARENTS: The Parents’ Associations of St. Mary’s BNS & Our Lady of Mercy Convent School are holding First Aid Training for parents on Tuesday 25th February;
...6th class has collated, edited and produced their annual Christmas newsletter. Please click on link. Christmas Newsletter 2024. Read all about Science week, individual class stories and whole school news. There are also some very funny Christmas jokes and riddles for you to enjoy and share over the Christmas holidays. Beannachtaí na Féile. Nollaig Shona agus Áthbhliain faoi mhaise daoíbh go léir.