6TH CLASS SERVICE OF LIGHT : We want to remind you that the preparation evening for St Mary’s Boys’ Service of Light takes place this Wednesday the 5th of February at 6p.m in the Church of the Assumption Booterstown and the actual Service of Light will take place the following week on Wednesday the 12th of February at the same time 6p.m. You are not required to bring anything to the preparation session though it is really important that all the boys attend along with one parent and we look forward to seeing you all then.
CYBERSAFE WORKSHOPS FOR KIDS & WEBINAR FOR PARENTS: Aoife Kelly from CyberSafekids will host workshops on cyber safety with 3rd to 6th classes on the 14th of February. There will also be a CyberSafeKids parents’ Zoom talk on Wednesday 12th February at 19:00. The link will be sent out to all beforehand.
FIRST AID COURSE FOR PARENTS: The Parents’ Associations of St. Mary’s BNS & Our Lady of Mercy Convent School are holding First Aid Training for parents on Tuesday 25th February; 7:30pm-9:30pm in the school hall in OLOM. This 2 hour seminar will be hosted by Siobhán Butler of “First Aid for Everyone”. There will be light refreshments from *7pm* with the seminar starting at *7:30pm
MIDTERM BREAK: Please note Saint Marys BNS will close at the normal time of 14 :15 on Friday 14th February for midterm break. The school will be closed for one week and will reopen on Monday 24th at 08:35.
BÍ CINEÁLTA STAFF TRAINING DAY SCHOOL HALF DAY: Saint Mary’s BNS will close on Friday the 14th March at 12:00 for all students. All staff will remain in school for staff training in the new Department of Education “BÍ CINEÁLTA” anti bullying programme.
SOLAR PANELS INSTALLATION: Solis Green energy have installed 6kW solar PV. This is part of the Department of Education Schools Photo Voltaic programme. Please see link. Solar Panels Programme.
HSE's SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME: The HSE’s National Healthy Childhood Programme is Ireland’s universal programme of clinical care for all children. The service is free to all children in Ireland.
The programme helps to:• create the best outcomes for children• build the foundations for health over their lifetime . The HSE offers routine health interventions to children. This aims to help children to stay well and to identify those who may need early intervention or other support. A core component of this service is the school health programme in primary and post-primary schools. What it includes
The school health programme includes:
• eyesight and hearing screening
• vaccines
• school dental programme
Please note: By law, schools will be asked to share the following information with the HSE: • your child’s name, address, date of birth and sex • mother’s birth surname • contact details for parent/guardian (including name, phone number and email address) • the child’s personal public service (PPS) number, if any • the school’s name and roll number This information allows school public health nurses to plan their visit to the school. They can also follow up with families who do not return consent forms, providing additional support and information to make sure children do not miss out. This helps to make sure the programme reaches as many children as possible.
Please see more details at this link HSE's School Programme.
SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD WHEN THEY ARE RELUCTANT TO ATTEND SCHOOL: Sometimes children may begin to experience strong feelings such as reluctance. As part of "Wellbeing in Education" the Department of Education has published a document called " Supporting your Child when they are Reluctant to Attend School". The document outlines: the early reluctance signs; how to understand your children’s feelings around school attendance; how you can support your child; along with supportive conversation strategies and routines to help you and your child. Please see link to the document which is uploaded onto our school website under the School News and Tips for Parents tabs. Tips for Parents
CROSSING THE ROAD SAFELY: Can we please ask all parents/ guardians to discuss with their children the rules of the road and to reinforce the following:
1. Always use designated pedestrian crossings or footbridges.
2. Stay alert: Remind them to stay vigilant and avoid distractions while crossing the road.
3. Look both ways: even where a student has a green pedestrian light to always pause to ensure that the traffic has come to a stop.
4. Walk, don’t run: Running across the road can be dangerous; walking ensures they have better control and visibility.
We also ask you and your child to continue to use the Grotto Avenue / Grotto Place paths up to the school rather than walk or congregate on the roads.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. / If you can please help your child practise Irish these phrases of the month? 1. Tá an aimsir fuar/ The weather is cold. 2. Táim ag imirt cluichí ríomhaire/I'm playing computer games. 3. Is iad mo chairde Pól, Seán agus Mithran. / Paul, Seán and Mithran are my friends. 4. An féidir leat cabhrú liom? / Can you help me?
TESCO MERRION: (in The Merrion Centre, Merrion Road, D04 YX39) has chosen the St. Mary's BNS Parents' Association as one of their community fund participants, starting Monday 25 November for 12 weeks. Please drop in to do a shop and pop the blue tokens in the relevant box to support Mary's BNS.
LET’S TALK MATHS: SALT & PEPPER: Salt and Pepper is one strategy, which 1st to 6th class have begun to use to structure Maths Talk. To use this strategy, learners work in pairs and are assigned a name, for example one is Salt and one is Pepper. When working on a task, for example, “Odd One Out” Salt may turn to Pepper and says which one is the odd one out and why. Pepper repeats/re voices what Salt said and agrees or disagrees. Both then have a discussion, agree a resolution then make a ‘learning bridge’, by making a fist and holding it against their partner’s fist, to show they have completed the task. See link. Salt & Pepper and Odd One Out
PRIMARY MATHS TRAINING DAY FOR TEACHERS: Our Primary Maths Training Day 2 is taking place in your school on Monday 28th April 2025. The school will be closed on that day for all students. Please note this adds an extra day to the Easter Holidays for students.
Kind regards, Noel Scully . Principal.