Dear parent/ guardian,
Further to the email of 25th February, " Beginning to Unwind Covid-19 Restrictions" it was fantastic to see such a high attendance in all classes this week.
It was also lovely to hear singing in classes, after school clubs starting up and an easing of pod restrictions within classes.
Continued use of good infection prevention and control measures such as hand washing, respiratory hygiene, and ventilation will continue in Saint Mary’s. HEPA filters and Co2 monitors are still in operation in classes.
Please note that our staggered opening and closing days will continue up until and including Tuesday 15th March.
Saint Mary's will be closed on Wednesday March 16th for staff training on the Primary Language Curriculum and Inclusion, This in-person training will be delivered by Ellen O Brien from PDST - Primary Development Services for Teachers.
Saint Mary's will also be closed on the 17th and 18th of March for Saint Patrick's Day and the National Bank holiday.
When the children return to school on Monday 21st March all classes will start school at 08:35.
Junior and Senior Infants will finish at 13:15 and all other classes will finish together at 14:15.
We have liaised closely with Our Lady of Mercy Convent School in this respect to minimise the differences in opening and closing times to fifteen minutes between the two schools.
We have decided to implement this change from Monday 21st March so that all parents and staff have sufficient time to amend their schedules/ child minding arrangements etc.
From the 21st March our school "Hug & Go" policy will continue. The school gates will open at 8:30 and staff will be there to guide all children to their classrooms where their teachers will be waiting.
In the afternoons, we ask parents to continue to wait behind the cycle lane line and let their child come over to them before leaving the school grounds.
We thank you all for your continued understanding and support during this time of transition.
Kind regards,
Noel Scully.