SCHOOL REOPENING: Saint Mary's reopens for all students on Wednesday 30th August at 08:35. Gates open at 08:25.
OPENING TIMES: For the first six school days, Wednesday August 30th - Friday September 8th, incoming Junior Infant classes will start at 08:35 and finish at 12:00. Parents and guardians can accompany their child to their classroom and " Hug & Go". From Monday September 11th the Junior Infant day will be from 08:35-13:15 and we ask that parents "Hug & Go" at the school gates and let their child walk to their classroom. The Senior Infant Day from Wednesday August 30th will be 08:35-13:15. All other classes will start school at 08:35 and finish at 14:15. Classroom numbers, lines and entrance door numbers for classes will be emailed nearer August 30th.
BOOTERSTOWN CHILDCARE SERVICES:Booterstown Childcare Service is delighted to have started taking bookings for the Early Morning Club from 7:00 am until school drop off starting this September.Please contact them directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Najwa at 0873446188.
AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES & CLUBS: We are in the process of organising our after-school activities and clubs. When all activities, clubs, days and times have been finalised we will send an email to all parents with all details with same.
CLASS BOOKS AND PENICL CASE EQUIPMEMT: As of September 2023, in keeping with guidelines from the Department of Education, the school has purchased all books, workbooks, and copybooks for children. €96 has been allotted for each child. Below you will find the link to Pencil Case Equipment required for each class year. Just click on the year to expand and show the list. Books & Pencil Equipment. The lists are also available on the school website.
SCHOOL NEWSLETTER: We thank the 6th class boys for collating, editing and printing off our final school year Newsletter. Please see link. Newsletters.
BEST WISHES TO 6th CLASS OF 2023: The Graduation ceremony for 6th classes was held on Wednesday 28th June 2023. It was a fantastic day and the boys put on a brilliant and creative performance of songs, acting, recitation and rapping. We wish the boys all the best in their new secondary school journeys and personal journeys ahead and we hope they know they are always very welcome to come back to visit us in Saint Mary's and share their journeys.
BOREDOM BREAKERS: Please see link to activities you like to do with your child over the summer break. Boredom Breakers.
NEW PRIMARY CURRICULUM: Please see link to Information leaflet for parents regarding the New Primary Curriculum. New Primary Curriculum Information Leaflet for parents.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday August 30th
Kind regards,
Noel Scully