THANK YOU: A huge thank you from all the staff in Saint Mary's to our students & parents for helping the return to school run so smoothly. It was fantastic to welcome back all our returning students and meet and welcome new students and new junior infants. It was lovely to see all the students' big smiles coming and leaving school. We were very impressed by all the students who walked, scooted or cycled to school this week and as part of our Active Flag and Green School initiatives. We encourage all students to continue doing this.
WELCOME BACK GUIDELINES: Please see link to our "Welcome Back" document that outlines amongst many things our: dropping off and collection procedures; our request for no cars on Grotto Place and Grotto Avenue, class numbers, lines & entrances and our no nut request. "Welcome to Saint Marys September 2023"
OPENING TIMES: Just a reminder that until Friday September 8th, incoming Junior Infant classes will start at 08:35 and finish at 12:00. Parents and guardians can accompany their child to their classroom and " Hug & Go". From Monday September 11th the Junior Infant day will be from 08:35-13:15 and we ask that parents "Hug & Go" at the school gates and let their child walk to their classroom. The Senior Infant Day from Wednesday August 30th will be 08:35-13:15. All other classes will start school at 08:35 and finish at 14:15. Classroom numbers, lines and entrance door numbers for classes will be emailed nearer August 30th.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. 1. Dia Dhaoibh...Dia is Muire duit . 2. Slán Tamaill. 3. Cé lesi é? Is/ Ni liomsa é. 4. Líne dhíreach gach duine.
OATLANDS COLLEGE OPEN EVENING & APPLICATIONS: Please see link and information below from Oatlands College regarding their Open Evening and closing date for 2024 First Year Admissions.
Oatlands College Open Evening & First Year Application .
Open Evening : Thursday 21-9-2023 from 17:30-19:30. 6th class students and parents all welcome. Closing Date for Applications forms: Monday 23-10-2023 at 17:00. Late applications will be put on waiting list according to date of application.Students must be 12 by January 1st of First Year following entry.
COVID-19 UPDATE FROM HSE. Please see the lastest advice from the HSE on Covid-19 for children who test positive for Covid -19, how long they should stay at home and when they should return to school. Covid-19 and Returning to School.
PARENTS' ASSOCIATION UNIFORM SALE: The PA would like to hold a second-hand uniform sale. Please bring any clean uniforms or tracksuits **in good condition** to the school at drop off or pick up on Monday and Tuesday. A date for the sale will be decided once we have enough items to hold a sale. With thanks, From your PA.
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS ON NEW PRIMARY MATHS CURRICULUM: Please see link to our school news ona Information Leaflet for paremts pertaining to the New Primary Maths Curriculum. New Primary Maths Curriculum: Parents Information Leaflet.
BOOTERSTOWN PARISH RESOURCES FOR YOUNG FAMILIES & CHILDREN 2023-2024: Please see link . Booterstown Parish Resources 2023-2024. This brochure outlines parish events for children and young families thoughout the 2023-2024 school year.
BOOTERSTOWN CHILDCARE SERVICES: Booterstown Childcare Service is delighted to have started taking bookings for the Early Morning Club from 7:00 am until school drop off starting this September. Please contact them directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Najwa at 0873446188.
HOMEWORK CLUB: An email with an enrolment form was sent out to all parents on Tuesday the 29th August regarding Homework Club. It will start on Monday 4th September. Please contact Ms Judy Doyle directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is you have any queries.
AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES & CLUBS: We are in the process of organising our after-school activities and clubs. When all activities, clubs, days and times have been finalised we will send an email to all parents with all details with same.
ALADDIN CONNECT & ABSENCES:Thank you very much for engaging with Aladdin Connect in notifying teachers directly of your child's absences and the reason. Please continue to do so.It allows you to also keep an eye on your child's attendance. If the class teacher does not receive a notification explaining your child's absence it is recorded on Aladdin attendance records as unexplained. Aladdin is recorded at 09:30 every school morning.
UKULELE CLASSES: Anna Melescik Director of Alto School of Music is delighted to announce Ukulele classes starting on the 12th of September in Booterstown Parish on the grounds of the Booterstown Primary School. She is more than happy to welcome students of St. Mary's school to her ukulele class if someone is interested. Please contact Anna at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TOUCHTYPING COURSES: Please see link to SEARSOL form more information. Afterschool Touch-typing Courses.
CLASS BOOKS AND PENICL CASE EQUIPMEMT: As of September 2023, in keeping with guidelines from the Department of Education, the school has purchased all books, workbooks, and copybooks for children. €96 has been allotted for each child. Below you will find the link to Pencil Case Equipment required for each class year. Just click on the year to expand and show the list. Books & Pencil Equipment. The lists are also available on the school website.
NEURODIVERSITY IRELAND: Please see link to a "Let's Be Friends" Back to School Campaign. The " LETSBEFRIENDS’’ campaign aims to help with the transition of starting or going back to school. Neurodiversity Ireland in this video shares a story about neurodiverse friendship & about how understanding and small supports can allow autistic children to feel safe, comfortable and happy to be themselves in their day to day school environment.
BOREDOM BREAKERS: Please see link to activities you like to do with your child over the summer break. Boredom Breakers.
Kind regards,
Noel Scully