Academic Calendar 2024-2025


Thursday 29th August.


Friday 18th October


School closes on Friday 25th October 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 4th November


25th November-29th November. Teachers will be in touch nearer the time to organise meetings.


School closes at 12.00 noon Friday 20th December School Re-opens Monday 6th January


Monday 3rd February. School Closed.


School closes Friday 14th February at 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 24th February


Monday 17th March. School Closed.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 11th April .School closed for Maths Training Day Monday 28th April. 

School Re-opens Tuesday 29th April


Monday 5th MAY. School Closed.


Thursday 1st May-Friday 23rd May.


School closed Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd June 

School Re-opens Wednesday 4th June


Active Week will be from Monday, June 16th-Friday June 20th.

Junior Sports Day Monday 16th Booterstown Park 8:50-09:40.

Senior Sports Day Tuesday 17th Booterstown Park 08:50-10:00

Multicultural Day Friday 21st June 12:45-14:00. School Yard.


Wednesday, June 25th at 10:00.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 27th June

Details regarding Staff Training Days, First Holy Communion, Confirmation & 6th Class Graduation will be shared when we have dates.

  Academic Calendar

 School Calendar

Grotto Place, Booterstown, Co. Dublin A94 AC97
Friday, February 07, 2025
8:35 - 14:15

School & Class News

Education and Parenting news stories of interest on Classes & Newsletters

PARENTS' ASSOCIATION AGM: The Parents' Association  AGM will be held on Thursday the 19th of October at 19:30 in the school. Please pencil it into your diary. We really welcome and appreciate all your support. You may wish to look at our PA tab on our school website. Please see link to NPC-National Parents Council for more information regarding the role of the Parents’ Association. National Parents Council and a link to  a document on our school website  called, Working Effectively as a Parents Association.

FRIENDS OF SAINT MARYS FUNDRAISING:  We thank the Parents’ Association for sharing information on Friends of St Mary’s, the PA’s main fundraising scheme and we encourage all parents/ guardian to join the Friends of Saint Mary’s fundraising draw.  Please see the link for same.  Friends of Saint Mary's Brochure

ADMISSIONS 2024-2025: Saint Mary's BNS will start accepting admissions for 2024-2025 on Monday 2nd October. Online admission applications will be live from that date. The closing date is Friday November 10th. Please see our Notice of Admissions, our Admissions Policy and our school Code of Behaviour on our school website for more information. Admissions 2024-2025 and the admissions form at this link.  Enrol Now

SACRAMENTS 2023-2024: Please see the dates below for sacraments for 2023-2024. If you have a child receiving a sacrament can you please put the relevant dates in your diary.  More details will follow nearer to the time from the parish. 

Tuesday 27 February: Service of Light at 7.30 pm
Thursday 7 March: First Confession at 7 pm
Friday 26 April: Confirmation at 12 Noon
Saturday 11 May: First Holy Communion at 12 Noon

SPANISH AFTERSCHOOL CLASSES: Olé School of Languages will  start Spanish classes on Thursday 19th October . An email was sent out to all parents/guardians this week. These Spanish aim to be fun,productive and promote awareness of language and culture. Through games, songs, drama, and art projects, their native and professional teachers aim to teach the basics to communicate in the chosen language, as well as awaken a curiosity to discover a new culture. They will begin Spanish classes in St Mary’s BNS on Thursday, 19th October. For any further questions, contact Cristina @ ✆ +353857884001  or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. 1. Bob nó bia. 2. Iarracht Mhaith. 3. Déan do dhícheall. 4. An bhfuil tú in ndáiríre?

CLUICHÍ GAEILGE DO PHÁISTÍ PADLET: Fantastic interactive padlet with lots of Irish language games for all levels. Cluichí Gaeilge do pháisti ar fáil anseo.

CHILD SAFEGUARDING & RISK ASSESSMENT STATEMENT: In accordance with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017the Addendum to Children First (2019), the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised 2023) and Tusla Guidance on the preparation of Child Safeguarding Statements The Board of Management of Saint Mary’s Boys’ National School has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (revised (2023) as part of this overall Child Safeguarding Statement. Please see our revised Child Safeguarding & Risk Assessment Statement on our website.Policies: Child Safeguarding & Risk Assessment Statement.

COPYBOOK DONATIONS 11th-13th OCTOBER:  Many parents have stated they have unused sets of new copybooks at home. If you wish to donate these copybooks to the school you can drop them off in reception next week on the 11th, 12th or 13th of October. 

SCHOOL X-TWITTER ACCOUNT: Please continue to follow us on our school X/Twitter account at stmarysboys1. We are unable at the moment to view it directly on our school website and are trying to resolve this issue.

RETIREMENT OF MS BERNADETTE SPELMAN. Our Assistant Principal and SET Co-Ordinator Ms Bernadette Spelman will retire on Friday 27th October 2023. Ms. Spelman’s career has spanned over 37 years and she has spent 25 of these years in Saint Mary’s Boys’ National School. We have been so fortunate to have benefitted from Ms Spelman’s kindness, compassion, expertise & professionalism.

We are eternally grateful for how she so empathetically, generously and selflessly guided the children in her care. We really appreciate how she shared her wisdom and knowledge with all our staff and parents in our school community.

We thank Ms Spelman from the bottom of our hearts and we wish her well deserved blessings, health and happiness in her retirement.

USING PATHS ON GROTTO PLACE AND GROTTO AVENUE: For Health and Safety reasons please continue to ensure that all children and adults use the paths on Grotto Place and Grotto Avenue when coming to and leaving school. For health and safety reasons please avoid walking on these roads as there are cars entering and leaving the school and the neighbourhood.

ALLERGIES/ ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION: Just a reminder that we are a "Nut Free" & "Kiwi Free" School. If your child has any allergies or any other medical condition that may require the administration of medication please alert his new class teacher immediately.

ALADDIN CONNECT & ABSENCES: Thank you very much for engaging with Aladdin Connect in notifying teachers directly of your child's absences and the reason. Please continue to do so. This allows you to also keep an eye on your child's attendance. If the class teacher does not receive a notification explaining your child's absence it is recorded on Aladdin attendance records as unexplained. Attendance is recorded at 09:30 every school morning.

Kind regards,

Noel Scully.
