HANDLE WITH CARE INITIATIVE: We are happy to inform you of a new initiative that we are introducing in St. Mary’s known as ‘Handle with Care’. If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support for you at school. We understand that you may not always be able to or even want to share details about what is going on and that is completely understandable. If your child is coming to school after a trying night, morning or weekend due to difficult circumstances, please email your son’s teacher in the morning before 8:15 a.m. with the message ‘Handle with Care’. Nothing else needs to be said but this will let your son’s teacher know that he may need extra help, patience, time and care during the day. We hope that this will be of comfort to those who need it.
PARENTS' ASSOCIATION AGM: The Parents' Association AGM will be held on Thursday the 19th of October at 19:30 in the school. Please pencil it into your diary. We really welcome and appreciate all your support. You may wish to look at our PA tab on our school website. Please see link to NPC-National Parents Council for more information regarding the role of the Parents’ Association. National Parents Council and a link to a document on our school website called, Working Effectively as a Parents Association.
PARENT NOMINEE ON BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: The new Board of Management will come into operation from the 1st December 2023. Please see link to Governance Manual for Board of Management 2023-2027. Appendix B on pages 72 & 73 outlines the procedure for nomination/ election of a parent(s) for the appointment by the patron as a parent nominee(e) to the board. There is a choice of two procedures for nomination/election and we will go with option 1, which is a public meeting, as set out on pages 74 and 75. In the interest of gender balance please note there are two panels, a mother's panel and a father's panel. This nomination/election will be held at the PA AGM on Thursday 19th October at 19:30. If you wish to be parent nominee or nominate a parent nominee please read the Governance Manual for more details of the election process.
FRIENDS OF SAINT MARYS FUNDRAISING: We thank the Parents’ Association for sharing information on Friends of St Mary’s, the PA’s main fundraising scheme and we encourage all parents/ guardian to join the Friends of Saint Mary’s fundraising draw. Please see the link for same. Friends of Saint Mary's Brochure
ADMISSIONS 2024-2025: Saint Mary's BNS will start accepting admissions for 2024-2025 on Monday 2nd October. Online admission applications will be live from that date. The closing date is Friday November 10th. Please see our Notice of Admissions, our Admissions Policy and our school Code of Behaviour on our school website for more information. Admissions 2024-2025 and the admissions form at this link. Enrol Now
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. 1. Bob nó bia. 2. Iarracht Mhaith. 3. Déan do dhícheall. 4. An bhfuil tú in ndáiríre?
CLUICHÍ GAEILGE DO PHÁISTÍ PADLET: Fantastic interactive padlet with lots of Irish language games for all levels. Cluichí Gaeilge do pháisti ar fáil anseo.
SACRAMENTS 2023-2024: Please see the dates below for sacraments for 2023-2024. If you have a child receiving a sacrament can you please put the relevant dates in your diary. More details will follow nearer to the time from the parish.
Tuesday 27 February: Service of Light at 7.30 pm
Thursday 7 March: First Confession at 7 pm
Friday 26 April: Confirmation at 12 Noon
Saturday 11 May: First Holy Communion at 12 Noon
ALTO SCHOOL OF MUSIC: Alto School of Music is delighted to announce that guitar & ukulele classes will commence on the 23rd of October (Monday). All the classes will take place on the premises of St. Mary's BNS.Ukulele group class is available to book for JI&SI at 1.15PM.Children learn not only the most favourite songs of all times, but also will work on developing rhythm & pitch through exercises, games and singing solfa.Individual guitar classes.There are last two spaces available at 1.50PM & 3.40PM To book please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "
SPANISH AFTERSCHOOL CLASSES: Olé School of Languages will start Spanish classes on Thursday 19th October . An email was sent out to all parents/guardians this week. These Spanish aim to be fun,productive and promote awareness of language and culture. Through games, songs, drama, and art projects, their native and professional teachers aim to teach the basics to communicate in the chosen language, as well as awaken a curiosity to discover a new culture. They will begin Spanish classes in St Mary’s BNS on Thursday, 19th October. For any further questions, contact Cristina @ ✆ +353857884001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kind Regards,
Noel Scully