MIDTERM HALLOWEEN BREAK: The school will close at the normal times on Friday 27th October and reopen at 08:35 on Monday 6th November. We wish you all a spooky yet safe, relaxing and well earned midterm break.
HANDLE WITH CARE INITIATIVE: We are happy to inform you of a new initiative that we are introducing in St. Mary’s known as ‘Handle with Care’. If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support for you at school. We understand that you may not always be able to or even want to share details about what is going on and that is completely understandable. If your child is coming to school after a trying night, morning or weekend due to difficult circumstances, please email your son’s teacher in the morning before 8:15 a.m. with the message ‘Handle with Care’. Nothing else needs to be said but this will let your son’s teacher know that he may need extra help, patience, time and care during the day. We hope that this will be of comfort to those who need it.
RETIREMENT OF MS BERNADETTE SPELMAN. Our Assistant Principal and SET Co-Ordinator Ms Bernadette Spelman will retire on Friday 27th October 2023. Ms. Spelman’s career has spanned over 37 years and she has spent 25 of these years in Saint Mary’s Boys’ National School. We have been so fortunate to have benefitted from Ms Spelman’s kindness, compassion, expertise & professionalism.We are eternally grateful for how she so empathetically, generously and selflessly guided the children in her care. We really appreciate how she shared her wisdom and knowledge with all our staff and parents in our school community.We thank Ms Spelman from the bottom of our hearts and we wish her well deserved blessings, health and happiness in her retirement. The PA is very kindly organising a farewell to Ms Spelman on Friday morning the 27th in the school hall from 08:30. All welcome.
BOOK FAIR WEDNESDAY 25th & THURSDAY 26th : Usborne will host a Book Fair in the school hall. Parents at St Mary’s BNS the opportunity to buy top-quality children's books Children will visit the Fair both days during school time ,on Wednesday to select a book and that evening get their parents approval and on Thursday to purchase their chosen book(s). The Book Fair will be open to parents from 1 pm to 2:30 pm on Wednesday and Thursday and 8 am to 9 am on Thursday morning. Jana from Usborne will be happy to advise you on which books may be suitable for your child/children and show you the wide range of books that Usborne offers.Payment in cash and by credit card will be available. Most of the books cost from €8.50 to €14.50. Usborne offers schools the possibility of receiving free books for its classrooms and libraries. For every book you buy, your school will benefit by receiving free books, giving you a wonderful opportunity to support your school by stocking upon top-quality resources and also providing beautiful new books for your school library.
ADMISSIONS 2024-2025: Saint Mary's BNS will start accepting admissions for 2024-2025 on Monday 2nd October. Online admission applications will be live from that date. The closing date is Friday November 10th. Please see our Notice of Admissions, our Admissions Policy and our school Code of Behaviour on our school website for more information. Admissions 2024-2025 and the admissions form at this link. Enrol Now
PARENTS' ASSOCIATION AGM: The Parents' Association AGM was held on Thursday the 19th of October Please pencil it into your diary. We really welcome the new PA committee and appreciate all their work & support. You may wish to look at our PA tab on our school website. Please see link to NPC-National Parents Council for more information regarding the role of the Parents’ Association. National Parents Council and a link to a document on our school website called, Working Effectively as a Parents Association.
FRIENDS OF SAINT MARYS FUNDRAISING: We thank the Parents’ Association for sharing information on Friends of St Mary’s, the PA’s main fundraising scheme and we encourage all parents/ guardian to join the Friends of Saint Mary’s fundraising draw. Please see the link for same. Friends of Saint Mary's Brochure
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. 1. Bob nó bia. 2. Iarracht Mhaith. 3. Déan do dhícheall. 4. An bhfuil tú in ndáiríre?
Kind Regards,
Noel Scully