PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS: Most of school parent/teacher meetings will take place in the week of November 20th-24th 2023The main day for meetings for will be Wednesday 22nd November. Some teachers, due to larger classes, may also schedule meetings on other days and during the week before or after. The teacher will set up a signup sheet on Aladdin with dates, days and times of meetings. This meeting slot schedule will be released on Wednesday 8th November 2023. Parents with 2 children or more children in the school will be allowed to sign in first at 09:00 to synchronize their meeting times. All other parents will be able to sign up for a meeting from 10:30. The deadline for signing up for a meeting is Wednesday 15th November. Meetings will last 10 minutes and we ask everyone to respect this as other meetings will be scheduled. We would hope that most meetings take place in person. If a face to face meeting is not possible please notify the class teacher directly by email of the same and an online meeting can be facilitated. You will receive a questionnaire from your child's class teacher on Monday 6th of November which you may complete and return to the teacher outlining any queries you may have for the PT meeting. This will be in his school bag. Please return this questionnaire to the class teacher by Friday 10th November. The class teacher will give you a written report of your child's progress on the day of your meeting. Further meetings may be scheduled by the class teacher and/or SET teacher should the need arise throughout the school year.
ADMISSIONS 2024-2025: Saint Mary's BNS will start accepting admissions for 2024-2025 on Monday 2nd October. Online admission applications will be live from that date. The closing date is Friday November 10th. Please see our Notice of Admissions, our Admissions Policy and our school Code of Behaviour on our school website for more information.
HANDLE WITH CARE INITIATIVE: We are happy to inform you of a new initiative that we are introducing in St. Mary’s known as ‘Handle with Care’. If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support for you at school. We understand that you may not always be able to or even want to share details about what is going on and that is completely understandable. If your child is coming to school after a trying night, morning or weekend due to difficult circumstances, please email your son’s teacher in the morning before 8:15 a.m. with the message ‘Handle with Care’. Nothing else needs to be said but this will let your son’s teacher know that he may need extra help, patience, time and care during the day. We hope that this will be of comfort to those who need it.
Kind regards,
Noel Scully