CHRISTMAS FAIR: We look forward to seeing you all at Saint Mary's BNS Fair on Sunday December 3rd from 12:00-14:30. Please come and support us. The fair will be in our school hall and The Lighthouse. There will be many fun stalls such as: Tombola, Facepainting, Photo Booth and Principal for a Day Draw.
CHRISTMAS PERFORMANCES: We are happy to inform you of the dates and times of our Christmas performances. Pupils from 2nd - 6th Classes will participate in our Senior Carol Service which will take place on Thursday 14th December at 7:30 pm in Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Booterstown Ave..
Junior performances will take place in the Old School Hall beside The Lighthouse.Performance dates and times are as follows:Junior Infants (Ms O'Shea): Wednesday 20th December at 12:00 pmSenior Infants (Ms O'Dea): Tuesday 19th December at 12:00 pm1st Class (Ms Doyle): Wednesday 20th December at 1:00 pm. More information will follow about the Senior Carol Service at a later date.
COUNTDOWN WIZARD RETURNS TO SAINT MARY'S: A huge thank you to Edward Byrne of Countdown fame who returned to his alma mater Saint Mary's. It was great to meet Edward. He regaled us with many stories from Countdown and beyond. Edward also facilitated Countdown workshops with 4th, 5th and 6th classes. It was a fun and creative opportunity for the classes to apply their mathematical and literacy skills. A huge thank you to Edward from all the students and staff.
REGISTRATION FOR CONFIRMATION, FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST COMMUNION: An email has been sent out from the Parish Sacramental Preparation Team to all 2nd and 6th classes with dates for sacraments , dates for church tours, attached registration forms and emails addresses where completed registration forms have to be sent to. If you are registering your child for a sacrament please do so on/ before Monday December 4th.
CHURCH VISIT FOR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: Marion Simpson and Mairín Benson will be organising two sessions in the church for Confirmation candidates on the next two Sundays, Dec. 3rd and Dec. 10th. The sessions will start at 10am and should last 40/45 minutes; and will give the young people an opportunity to learn about their parish church, with a special emphasis on the Sacrament of Confirmation. As part of their preparation for the reception of this Sacrament, each candidate is welcome to attend either session and should be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Younger siblings are also welcome to attend. Both look forward to meeting your child.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. 1. Nollaig Shona Duit 2. Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise. 3. Daidí na Nollag 4. An Leanbh Íosa.
ADMISSIONS 2024-2025: Saint Mary's started accepting admissions for 2024-2025 on Monday 2nd October. The closing date was Friday November 10th. Parents/ guardians will be advised of their application on Friday November 24th and have until Friday 8th December to accept offers made. Please see our Notice of Admissions, our Admissions Policy and our school Code of Behaviour on our school website for more information.
Kind Regards,
Noel Scully.