CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE: Our annual Christmas Carol Service will take place in Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Booterstown Ave. on Thursday 14th December at 7.30pm.Second to Sixth Classes will participate in this beautiful evening of song and scripture.We invite you all to share this evening with your family. Although the pupils of Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class will not be participating in the service, they, along with their families, are most welcome to attend.We request that the boys involved be dropped off at the entrance to thePastoral Centre (glass door to the right of the church) at 7:15 pm. Wekindly ask that parents hold on to their sons’ coats. At the end of the service, boys will return to the care of their parents from the church.
Full school uniform is to be worn on the night of the Carol Service,including black shoes. To facilitate this, tracksuits may be worn to school on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th.
CHRISTMAS PERFORMANCES: We are happy to inform you of the dates and times of our Christmas performances. Pupils from 2nd - 6th Classes will participate in our Senior Carol Service which will take place on Thursday 14th December at 7:30 pm in Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Booterstown Ave.Junior performances will take place in the Old School Hall beside The Lighthouse. Performance dates and times are as follows:Junior Infants Wednesday 20th December at 12:00 pm.Senior Infants Tuesday 19th December at 12:00 pm. 1st Class Wednesday 20th December at 1:00 pm.
REVISED PARENTAL COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: The parental complaints procedure was revised and agreed by the INTO and the management bodies of primary schools including the CPSMA. It is designed to provide and open and clearly defined process to facilitate parents/ legal guardians in raising concerns about theirr own child/ children in an agreed , fair and transparent manner. The procedure has been uploaded onto our school website and can be found at the following link. School News
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT AGREED REPORT DECEMBER 2023: The new Board of Management held its first meeting on Wednesday 13th December 2023. Please see the link to the Agreed Report which is uploaded onto our school website. Agreed Report December 2023.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. 1. Nollaig Shona Duit 2. Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise. 3. Daidí na Nollag 4. An Leanbh Íosa.
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS: Saint Mary's will close on Friday 22nd December at 12:00 for all classes. The school will re-open on Monday the 8th January 2024. May we take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break with their families and friends.
Kind regards,
Noel Scully.