Academic Calendar 2024-2025


Thursday 29th August.


Friday 18th October


School closes on Friday 25th October 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 4th November


25th November-29th November. Teachers will be in touch nearer the time to organise meetings.


School closes at 12.00 noon Friday 20th December School Re-opens Monday 6th January


Monday 3rd February. School Closed.


School closes Friday 14th February at 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 24th February


Monday 17th March. School Closed.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 11th April .School closed for Maths Training Day Monday 28th April. 

School Re-opens Tuesday 29th April


Monday 5th MAY. School Closed.


Thursday 1st May-Friday 23rd May.


School closed Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd June 

School Re-opens Wednesday 4th June


Active Week will be from Monday, June 16th-Friday June 20th.

Junior Sports Day Monday 16th Booterstown Park 8:50-09:40.

Senior Sports Day Tuesday 17th Booterstown Park 08:50-10:00

Multicultural Day Friday 21st June 12:45-14:00. School Yard.


Wednesday, June 25th at 10:00.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 27th June

Details regarding Staff Training Days, First Holy Communion, Confirmation & 6th Class Graduation will be shared when we have dates.

  Academic Calendar

 School Calendar

Grotto Place, Booterstown, Co. Dublin A94 AC97
Friday, February 07, 2025
8:35 - 14:15

School & Class News

Education and Parenting news stories of interest on Classes & Newsletters

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Catholic Schools Week will take place during the period 21st to 27th January 2024.The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2024 will be  “Communities of Service”.  Please see the link to resources which are available in Irish and English: also note that the Laudate Festival 2024 will take place in St. Thérèse’s Church, Mount Merrion on Wednesday, 31st January 2024 –7.00pm-8.15pm. 

Our parish priests  and all the children in Saint Mary's will have a service to celebrate Catholic Schools Week on Friday morning 26th January 2024 in our school hall. There will be whole school daily reflections and prayers throughout the week. 

CYBER SAFE TALK: There will be a cyber safe talk for all parents on Wednesday 24th of January via Zoom. Please see link here: When: Jan 24, 2024 19:30pm Topic: CyberSafeKids Parents Webinar. A  link has been emailed out to all parents with details to join the webinar: 

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: All have already started or will start this week.

  • After School Sports: Ms. Cartwright/ Ms. Doyle Monday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Homework Club: Monday to Thursday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Johnny's After School PE Club: on Tuesdays for junior classes and Thursdays for senior classes in Booterstown Park. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Chess Club with Paul: Thursday afternoons:  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Spanish Club with Olé: Thursday afternoons. Contact Cristina @ ✆ +353857884001 |  ︎ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Art Club with Evelyn: Tuesdays afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Alto School of Music: Ukulele and guitar lessons. Monday afternoon. Piano lessons to start on Friday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • STEAM Academy. Wednesday afternoons. Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please liaise directly with the club organiser if you have any queries regarding starting dates, days, times, costs, holiday breaks, and dates the relevant after school clubs finishes etc. 

TRAINING DATES & MATCH DATES: for soccer, hurling, and football will be given to classes and students involved when up and running throughout the school year. 

CHURCH TOURS FOR FIRST COMMUNION CANDIDATES: The Parish is organising two sessions in the church for First Communion candidates on the next two Sundays, Jan. 21st and Jan. 28th. The sessions will start punctually at 10am and should last 40/45 minutes; and will give the young people an opportunity to learn about their parish church, with a special emphasis on the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. As part of their preparation for the reception of these Sacraments, each candidate is welcome to attend either session and should be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Younger siblings are also welcome to attend. 

HURLING AND GAELIC FOOTBALL LESSONS: Kilmacud Crokes will teach Hurling and Gaelic football to the boys in Senior Infants and 1st class, every Wednesday. Senior Infants Hurling -  Jan 24th- March 6th 1st Class Gaelic Football - March 13th- April 28thThese sessions will be in the school playground from 10.30-11am.

SWIMMING LESSONS: Just a quick reminder that swimming lessons begin for 2nd class started on Monday January 15th.  They will run from 15th Jan to 11th March inclusive. Boys should wear their swimming shorts under their tracksuit in the morning and ensure they bring their change of clothes, a towel & a swimming cap with them. Goggles are optional. Please pay the €14 DART fare for our 7-week term on Aladdin.

CYCLING LESSONS: 5th class have started cycle safety lessons this for six weeks. The first lesson will be theory based in the classroom and will look at cycle safety. After that all lessons will be practical based and 5th class students may choose to bring in their own bikes & helmets, but these will be supplied also if and when needed.

PUNCTUALITY:  The school gates open at 08:25 and classes begin at 08:35. The Aladdin roll call is completed at 09:15. Can we please ask you to ensure your child is on time for school every morning. We understand that children may be late occasionally. That is a given.  Please inform the class teacher, so they can input the reason on Aladdin.  If you feel that you are unable to have your child in school by 08:35 every morning can you please give me a call at 01-2886830 to discuss. 

BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: The Board of Management met on Wednesday 17th January. An agreed Report has been uploaded onto the school website at the following link: BOM Agreed Reports

Kind regards, 

Noel Scully