WHOLE SCHOOL EVALUATION FEEDBACK: We had our feedback meeting with our WSE inspectors on Thursday June 6th.Nominees from the Board of Management & the Parents' Association were also present. As a school community we have received very positive feedback along with practical and manageable recommendations from the Inspectorate. A more detailed report will be issued to the Board of Management in early September and this will be shared with the whole school community. We thank you all for giving up your time to give feedback to the inspectorate on the school. It is very much appreciated by all in Saint Mary's.
SCHOOL END OF YEAR REPORTS: End of year reports will be sent by email via Aladdin on the morning of Friday June 14th 2024.
SPORTS DAYS: Junior Sports Day (Junior Infants - 2nd Class) is on Monday 17th June and Senior Sports Day,3rd-6th class) is on Tuesday 18th June. Both are Booterstown Park: 8.50 – 9.40 approx with the following running order. Children in The Lighthouse will participate with their associated class.
Race 1: Running races.Race 2: Novelty Race. Teacher's Choice. Race 3: Racket & Beanbag. Race 4: Mums' Race. Races 5: Dads' Race.
MULTICULTURAL DAY:We are delighted to inform you about our Multicultural Day which will take place on Friday afternoon 21st June from 12:45 pm-2:00 pm. This event is an opportunity to celebrate the
diversity of cultural influences in our expanding school community. It is also a wonderful opportunity
to encourage our pupils to sample foods from around the world. An email with more details has been forwarded to all.
BARNARDOS ONLINE SAFETY SURVEYS: Barnardos would love if our school community would be able to have their say and give their views on the important topic of online safety. Any amount of responses from our school community would be greatly appreciated, the responses to the surveys are fully anonymous.Student survey: https://forms.office.com/e/SsLHBMsjeK
Parent survey: https://forms.office.com/e/PJmfkr3yHZ
HOME BASED SUMMER PROGRAMME: Please see link to information note, the application process and application form for Home Based Summer Programme 2024: Home Based Summer Programme Information and Application Process. An email has already been sent out to all via Aladdin with the same overview of the criteria, the application process and application forms.
CHILDREN'S SCHOOL LIVES; CHILDREN'S WELLBEING IN IRISH PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2019-2023. Report No. 7. This report is a very interesting read. Our school is involved in this project with the Current 3rd class (Mr Brigg's class), their families and their teachers have been part of the case study since Junior Infants.Please see link. CSL Report 7:Children's Wellbeing in Irish Primary Schools.
DUBLIN YOUTH CHOIR: Please see link to Dublin Youth Choir’s newsletter Newsletter. It provides information on how to join them for September 2024. All of their choirs have places for new singers, with in-person choirs for 2nd Class pupils (primary school) all the way up to Sixth Year (secondary school)! They are looking for committed, enthusiastic young people from all across Dublin and the surrounding areas to join them and it is not necessary to have music training/education to apply for their choirs.There is also an opportunity to be involved in DYC’s Summer Sing, a summer course run in partnership with the Royal Irish Academy of Music. A link to the course is provided in the newsletter. Parents/ guardians can also sign up to their mailing list at www.dublinyouthchoir.com/mailinglist for updates.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. Chosen by 4th class. 1. Uachtar Gréine / Sun cream. 2. Eitleán/ Aeroplane 3. Laethanta Saoire/ Holidays 4. Ta an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch./ The sun is splitting the stones.
IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: More details to follow nearer time.
- Active Week: Monday 17-6-2024-Friday 21-6-2024
- Junior Sports Day is on Monday 17th June Booterstown Park: 8.50-9.40 approx
- Senior Sports Day is on Tuesday 18th June.Booterstown Park: 8.50-9.40 approx
- Multicultural Day: Friday 21-6-2024: 12:45-14:00.
- Graduation Ceremony for 6th class: Wednesday 26th June 2024
- Summer Holidays: Friday 28th June. School closes at 12:00 for all classes.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: For all queries please liaise directly with the club organisers and not the school.
- After School Sports: Ms. Cartwright/ Ms. Doyle Monday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Homework Club: Monday to Thursday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Johnny's After School PE Club: on Tuesdays for junior classes and Thursdays for senior classes in Booterstown Park. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Chess Club with Paul: Thursday afternoons: Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Spanish Club with Olé: Thursday afternoons. Contact Sergio @ ✆+353857884001 | ︎ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Art Club with Evelyn: Tuesdays afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Alto School of Music: Ukulele and guitar lessons. Monday afternoon. Piano lessons have started on Friday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more details.
- STEAM Academy. Wednesday afternoons. Contact https://steamacademy.pro/ireland/registration/
TRAINING DATES & MATCH DATES: for soccer, hurling, and football will be given to classes and students involved when up and running throughout the school year.
Kind regards,
Noel Scully.