Academic Calendar 2024-2025


Thursday 29th August.


Friday 18th October


School closes on Friday 25th October 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 4th November


25th November-29th November. Teachers will be in touch nearer the time to organise meetings.


School closes at 12.00 noon Friday 20th December School Re-opens Monday 6th January


Monday 3rd February. School Closed.


School closes Friday 14th February at 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 24th February


Monday 17th March. School Closed.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 11th April .School closed for Maths Training Day Monday 28th April. 

School Re-opens Tuesday 29th April


Monday 5th MAY. School Closed.


Thursday 1st May-Friday 23rd May.


School closed Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd June 

School Re-opens Wednesday 4th June


Active Week will be from Monday, June 16th-Friday June 20th.

Junior Sports Day Monday 16th Booterstown Park 8:50-09:40.

Senior Sports Day Tuesday 17th Booterstown Park 08:50-10:00

Multicultural Day Friday 21st June 12:45-14:00. School Yard.


Wednesday, June 25th at 10:00.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 27th June

Details regarding Staff Training Days, First Holy Communion, Confirmation & 6th Class Graduation will be shared when we have dates.

  Academic Calendar

 School Calendar

Grotto Place, Booterstown, Co. Dublin A94 AC97
Friday, February 07, 2025
8:35 - 14:15

School & Class News

Education and Parenting news stories of interest on Classes & Newsletters

SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Saint Mary's will close for all classes at 12 o' clock noon on Friday 28th June for the summer holidays. The school will reopen for all classes on Thursday 29th August. May we take this opportunity to wish you all a safe, relaxing and well deserved summer holiday. 

PENCIL CASE EQUIPMENT/ STATIONERY: Please note that the school will purchase all books and workbooks.We request that parents/ guardian purchase stationery/pencil case equipment needed for class.Please see link to school website for each class level. Stationery and Pencil Case Equipment

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS for 2024-2025 AND ACADEMIC CALENDAR: Please see link to academic calendar for 2024 and school holidays for 2024-2025. Academic Calendar and School Holiday 2024-2025.

RETIREMENTS & STAFF LEAVING: Ann Donnelly, SNA,  is retiring after 13 years of invaluable service to the whole school community  in Saint Mary's BNS. Ann has been a wonderful SNA and a great colleague to us all. We wish Ann a healthy, long and happy retirement. Ms. O' Shea and Ms. Mackey are also leaving Saint Mary's.Ms O Shea has been a gifted SET and Junior infant teacher and brilliant colleague in Saint Mary's for the last 6 years and heartfelt best wishes from us all to her for the next chapter of her professional life.Ms Mackey has been a wonderful addition to the SET team and school staff over the last year. We look forward to hearing all about her travels and hope that one day she returns to Booterstown. Ann, Gillesa & Hannah will be sorely missed by us all in Saint Mary's.

MULTICULTURAL DAY:The rain stayed away and we all got to enjoy a wonderful Multicultural Day in St. Mary’s last Friday.None of this would have been possible without your support.  Thanks to all who prepared such a wonderful array of savory food and sweet treats from around the world. In total, twenty two  countries were represented!  Thanks to our 6th Class pupils who demonstrated great responsibility in setting up, supporting younger pupils, serving and cleaning up after the eventFinally, thanks to those who provided the fantastic entertainment: Jeremy and Dragan from The Key Notes, Alexi, Shane  and  Lulama.Kind regards,Catherine Ballance & Jeanne-Marie Phillips

CLASS & TEACHER ALLOCATION 2024-2025: Normally, at this time of year the class teacher allocation for the coming academic year is shared with the whole school community.  As we are still in the recruitment process at the moment no final decisions are available. Once a clearer picture of class numbers and recruitment is available class and teacher allocation will be shared with all. The school thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. 

SCHOOL END OF YEAR REPORTS: End of year reports were sent via Aladdin Connect on Friday June 14th 2024. An email was also sent to all parents/ guardians on Thursday 13th June outlining how to interpret STen scores. STen Scores.explained. Please note that this same link will bring you to the  "Tips For Parents" tab on our school website. Scroll down through these tips and you will find BIAPs Assessment Explained  (Belfield Infant Assessment Profile) and MIST( Middle Infants Screening Test) Explanation for Parents 

WHOLE SCHOOL EVALUATION FEEDBACK: We had our feedback meeting with our WSE inspectors on Thursday June 6th.Nominees from the Board of Management  & the Parents' Association were also present. As a school community we have received very positive feedback along with practical and manageable recommendations from the Inspectorate. A more detailed report will be issued to the Board of Management in early September and this will be shared with the whole school community. We thank you all for giving up your time to give feedback to the inspectorate on the school. It is very much appreciated by all in Saint Mary's. 

FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. Chosen by 4th class.  1. Uachtar Gréine / Sun cream. 2. Eitleán/ Aeroplane 3. Laethanta Saoire/ Holidays 4. Ta an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch./ The sun is splitting the stones. 

IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: More details to follow nearer time.

  • Graduation Ceremony for 6th class: Wednesday 26th June 2024
  • Summer Holidays: School closes at 12:00 for all classes on Friday 28th June and  reopens on Thursday 29th August 2024. 

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS STARTING IN SEPTEMBER : For all queries please liaise directly with the club organisers and not the school. More details to follow on other clubs at start of school year. 

  • After School Sports: Ms. Cartwright/ Ms. Doyle Monday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Homework Club: Monday to Thursday afternoons. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A heartfelt thank you  to you all for your continued support of Saint Mary's Boys' National School. It is very much valued and appreciated. I wish you all a safe, healthy, relaxing and well deserved summer holiday.

Míle Buíochas, 

Noel Scully. 
