Academic Calendar 2024-2025


Thursday 29th August.


Friday 18th October


School closes on Friday 25th October 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 4th November


25th November-29th November. Teachers will be in touch nearer the time to organise meetings.


School closes at 12.00 noon Friday 20th December School Re-opens Monday 6th January


Monday 3rd February. School Closed.


School closes Friday 14th February at 14:15.

School Re-opens Monday 24th February


Monday 17th March. School Closed.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 11th April .School closed for Maths Training Day Monday 28th April. 

School Re-opens Tuesday 29th April


Monday 5th MAY. School Closed.


Thursday 1st May-Friday 23rd May.


School closed Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd June 

School Re-opens Wednesday 4th June


Active Week will be from Monday, June 16th-Friday June 20th.

Junior Sports Day Monday 16th Booterstown Park 8:50-09:40.

Senior Sports Day Tuesday 17th Booterstown Park 08:50-10:00

Multicultural Day Friday 21st June 12:45-14:00. School Yard.


Wednesday, June 25th at 10:00.


School closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 27th June

Details regarding Staff Training Days, First Holy Communion, Confirmation & 6th Class Graduation will be shared when we have dates.

  Academic Calendar

 School Calendar

Grotto Place, Booterstown, Co. Dublin A94 AC97
Friday, February 07, 2025
8:35 - 14:15

School & Class News

Education and Parenting news stories of interest on Classes & Newsletters

WELCOME BACK:  Saint Mary's will open for all classes this Thursday 29th August. The school gate will open at 08:25 and all classes will begin at 08:35. Junior Infant Day will be until 12:00 each day up until and including Friday 6th September. From then onwards Junior Infants will finish at 13:15.  Senior Infant day will be from 08:35 until 13:15 starting on August 29th. All other classes will finish at 14:15.  We look forward to welcoming you all back. 

SCHOOL UNIFORM : The school uniform for all classes is as follows.

  • Crested blue and navy hoodie
  • Plain Royal blue polo T-shirt (collared t-shirt)
  • Plain navy tracksuit bottoms, unbranded with no insignia like those provided by uniformity. Advertising logos/ GAA and soccer shorts will not be allowed
  • Sixth-class hoodies will be arranged by parents/ guardians of students in 6th class.  Children on teams or playing sports after school will still be required to wear their school tracksuit uniform during the day and change  into other gear nearer the time of the said event. 

  • Please see the following link to where the uniform may be purchased. School Uniform

PENCIL CASE EQUIPMENT/ STATIONERY: Please note that the school will purchase all books and workbooks. We request that parents/ guardian purchase stationery/pencil case equipment needed for class.Please see link to school website for each class level. Stationery and Pencil Case Equipment. All books and workbooks are purchased by the school.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS for 2024-2025 AND ACADEMIC CALENDAR: Please see link to academic calendar for 2024 and school holidays for 2024-2025. Academic Calendar and School Holiday 2024-2025

A BIG WELCOME FOR OUR NEW STAFF : We welcome Eve Hastings, Clodagh O' Shea, Gráinne Smith and Ruth Turley to our teaching team and Christine Canavan and Caroline Doublet to our SNA team. We look forward to working with them throughout the school year. 

CLASS, TEACHER & SNA ALLOCATION 2024-2025:  This has already been shared with all parents and guardians via Aladdin last week.  If you have not received this email or have not yet been set up Aladdin Connect please contact the school office at 01-2886830. These are subject to change throughout the school year based on the overall needs of the school. 

PARISH EVENTS: Booterstown Parish Liturgy team has asked me to inform you of the following events taking place in the parish this September and October.  It would be great to see lots of our pupils participate.Sunday September 8th: Children, starting School or Preschool are invited to attend for a special blessing at the 11 o'clock Mass which we call the Blessing of Schoolbags. Bring the schoolbags but don’t worry if you forget- you will receive the blessing anyway.Saturday, September 14th: Youth Choir returns for the 6 o'clock Mass. Children, accompanied by a parent, should go to the gallery for a rehearsal at 5. 30 p.m. for Mass at 6 p.m. Parents will need to sign their child in and collect from the gallery after Mass.  Catherine has passed on Consent Forms to me.  Please get in touch with me should you wish your son to participate in the choir. The choir sings once a month at the 6:00 Saturday Mass.  My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of September:  Bulb planting takes place after the 6 p.m. and 11 a.m. Masses.  Bulbs to be brought up in the Offertory procession.Sunday, September 29th: Beach Clean - time to be confirmed.Sunday, October 6th: Blessing of Animals - probably at 2.30 p.m - time to be confirmed.  Bring pets, on a lead, or generally under control.  Also pictures of deceased pets, endangered animals are welcome.  Owners are to take responsibility to clean up after their pets.

DAY 1: CLASSROOMS, ENTRANCE DOORS & LINING UP:  A detailed outline  will be forwarded to all parents and guardians. There will be plenty of staff on the yard both Thursday and Friday morning to help anybody requiring assistance.

FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. / If you can please help your child practise Irish these phrases of the month?   1. Maidin Mhaith / Good morning 2. ainm dom/ my name. 3. Cad is brí le...? / What does.....mean? 4. Is liomsa é/ Ní  liomsa  é...It's mine/ it's not mine. 

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS STARTING IN SEPTEMBER : Plliaiase directly with liaise with club organiser and not with school administration. 

Homework Club Starting 9 th September Monday to Thursday 2:15pm to 3:15pm - (3 rd to 6 th Class only)
Judy Doyle Information sent to Aladdin CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After School Sports- Monday 2:15pm to 3:15pm (1 st -4 th class only) - Aoife Cartwright CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stage Academy:  with Paul Byrom Booterstown. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. New Term 11th September -27th  November. 

Alto School of Music:  Starting 9 th Monday & Fridays . Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Art: Tuesdays starting 17 th September to 10 th December inclusive – Evelyn Healy
Junior & Senior Infants 1:15pm – 2:15pm 1 st to 6 th Class 2:15pm to 3:15pm Cost €145 (12 Classes)
CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Johnny's After School PE CLUB : Johnny will be doing our After School PE Cub for Junior & Senior infants starting on Tuesday 3 September.We will do the school pick up at 1.15 pm and bring the boy's to Booterstown Park. Pick up is from Booterstown Park at 2.15 pm. Please click on the following link to book your place. We will be doing our After School PE Cub for 1st - 6th class starting on Thursday 11 April.We will do the school pick up at 2.15 pm and bring the boy's to Booterstown Park. Pick up is from Booterstown Park at 3.15 pm. Please click on the following link to book your place

Chess: Thursdays starting 12 th September to 12 th December 2:15pm to 3:15pm (2nd to 6th Class)
CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Steam Academy: Wednesdays starting 11 th September to 18 th December
Junior & Senior Infants 1:15pm – 2:15pm 1st to  th Class 2:15pm to 3:15pm Cost €22.50 per lesson
Spanish Class: Monday 16 th September for 12 weeks 1:15pm to 2:00pm (JI & SI)
2:15pm to 3:00pm (1 st to 6 th Class) Cost €145 (12 Classes)CONTACT:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A heartfelt thank you  to you all for your continued support of Saint Mary's Boys' National School. It is very much valued and appreciated.

We wish everyone a wonderful  school year. 

Míle Buíochas, 

Noel Scully. Principal.