ADMISSIONS/ENROLMENT 2025-2026: The school will commence accepting applications for admission for 2025-2026 from the 30th September 2024. The deadline is 11th November 2024. Applicants will be informed of the decision on 25th November 2024 and the period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is 9th December 2024. Application are made online on our school website at Application Form.
WHOLE SCHOOL EVALUATION: MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING REPORT. Please see link to the WSE-MLL Inspectorate Report. (Whole School Evaluation-Management, Leadership and Learning.) WSE MLL Report The inspection was carried out from the 27/5/2024 until the 29/5/2024 and the report was issued on the 18/9/2024.
We thank all the teachers, students, parents, members of the Board of Management and the members of the Parents’ Association who participated in the focus groups with the inspectorate and+/or who completed surveys sent out. The Board of Management has taken on board the recommendations in the report and the teaching staff has begun to implement these recommendations.
This report has been cleared for publication and will be published shortly on the website of the Department of Education. Department of Education.
A registration email has been sent out to all 6th class parents teachers/ guardians on 25/9/2024. Please complete it if you wish your child to register for Confirmation. 1.REGISTRATION of Candidate closing date of Oct. 21st 2024 2. CHURCH ‘TOURS’ (by parish volunteers) Sat 23rd Nov at 5pm (before 6pm Mass) OR Sun 24th Nov at 10am (before 11am Mass) 3.PARENT Meeting: Thurs 9th Jan at 19:30 4. ENROLMENT MASSES: **Candidates (and families) can attend on Sat 11th OR on Sat 18th Jan, at 6pm 5. SERVICE OF LIGHT Preparation Sessions: Wed 5th Feb at 6pm 6. SERVICE OF LIGHT: Wed 12th Feb 6pm 7. CONFIRMATION Ceremony Preparation Session: Mon 12th May at 6pm 8. CONFIRMATION Ceremony: Thurs 15th May at 6pm. 9. SUNDAY MASS & HOSPITALITY: Sat 7th June (eve of Pentecost Sunday) 6pm mass, and afterwards in the Pastoral Centre. |
A registration email has been sent out to all 2nd class parents teachers/ guardians on 25/9/2024. Please complete it if you wish your child to register for First Communion/Reconciliation. 1. REGISTRATION of Candidates: closing date of Oct. 21st 2024 3. PARENT Meeting Thurs 2rd Jan at 7.30pm 4. ENROLMENT MASSES: Candidates (and families) can attend on Sat 25th Jan at 6pm OR Sun 26th Jan at 11am 5. FIRST RECONCILIATION Preparation Sessions: Thurs 6th Mar at 6pm 6. FIRST RECONCILIATION SERVICES: Wed 12th March at 6pm 7. FIRST COMMUNION Preparation Session: Wed 21st May at 6pm 8. FIRST COMMUNION Ceremony: Sat. 24th May at 12 noon 9. SUNDAY MASS and HOSPITALITY: Sun 25th May, 11am Mass and after St. Mary’s |
FLU NASAL VACCINE: The date for the flu nasal spray vaccine is Wednesday October 9th. Mount Merrion Medical Centre will administer the vaccine. The vaccine is available for all children in the school. A link , with the consent form, has been emailed out to all parents/ guardians to complete if they wish for their child to have the vaccine. It needs to be completed by Friday 27th September.
CTYI-CENTRE FOR TALENTED YOUTH IRELAND AUTUMN COURSES: CTYI-Centre for Talented Youth Ireland-will offer specialized 8 week Saturday classes for children between the ages of 6-12. These courses cover such areas as forensic science, Engineering, Marine Biology, Novel Writing.CYTI carry out an assessment process. Details of the criteria for assessment, application process and costs are avaibale at CTYI Assessment Brochure 2024-2025
CHILD SAFEGUARDING & RISK ASSESSMENT STATEMENT: The Board of Management has reviewed and ratified our Child Safeguarding and Risk Assessment Statement. It is available for all at this link School Policies
CARS ON GROTTO AVENUE & GROTTO PLACE: We kindly request that you do not drive your car down Grotto Avenue at drop off or collection time. This helps keep all our children, school community and neighbours safer. We also ask that all adults help their children use the paths provided and not walk on the roads or conjugate on the road at drop off and collection times. Please remember that an ambulance or fire brigade may need emergency access at any time.
HANDLE WITH CARE INITIATIVE: We will continue with our wellbeing initiative known as ‘Handle with Care’. If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support for you at school. We understand that you may not always be able to or even want to share details about what is going on and that is completely understandable. If your child is coming to school after a trying night, morning or weekend due to difficult circumstances, please email your son’s teacher in the morning before 8:15 a.m. with the message ‘Handle with Care’. Nothing else needs to be said but this will let your son’s teacher know that he may need extra help, patience, time and care during the day. We hope that this will be of comfort to those who need it. Please see link. Handle with Care Letter
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT AGREED REPORT : Please see link to the Agreed Report from our Board of Management meeting held on 11th September 2024. BOM Agreed Reports
PARENTS ' ASSOCIATION: Saint Mary's has a very active and involved Parents' Association. We thank everyone who has given their time so generously to Saint Mary's BNS and I am sure they will be willing to share their experience and knowledge with the new Parents' Association. It is that time of the year again and we are looking for volunteers for the Parents Association. The more the merrier. The role main of the PA is to:
- To enable parents to play a meaningful role in supporting the aims & objectives of the school
- To ensure parents are meaningfully consulted in the development of relevant school policies
- To ensure that parents, Board of Management, Principal & staff work together to ensure the smooth operation of the school by adhering to agreed policies and procedures
- To enable parents to contribute to an enhanced learning environment for pupils
- To ensure that the work of the whole school community is at all times focused on the collective needs of all the children in the school
- To identify and make available the skills and talents of individual parents that may be valuable to the school.
We will have a Parents' Association Annual General Meeting in the near future and details will be forwarded to you all. In the meantime, if you are interested in joining the PA please let me know by emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PARISH EVENTS: Booterstown Parish Liturgy team has asked me to inform you of the following events taking place in the parish near the end of September and in October. Sunday, September 29th: Beach Clean - time to be confirmed. Sunday, October 6th: Blessing of Animals - probably at 2.30 p.m - time to be confirmed. Bring pets, on a lead, or generally under control. Also pictures of deceased pets, endangered animals are welcome. Owners are to take responsibility to clean up after their pets.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. / If you can please help your child practise Irish these phrases of the month? 1. Maidin Mhaith / Good morning 2. ainm dom/ my name. 3. Cad is brí le...? / What does.....mean? 4. Is liomsa é/ Ní liomsa é...It's mine/ it's not mine.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: Please liaise directly with liaise with club organiser and not with school administration for costs.
- Homework Club: Starting 9th September Monday to Thursday 2:15pm to 3:15pm - (3rd to 6 th Class only)
Judy Doyle Information sent to Aladdin CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - After School Sports- Monday 2:15pm to 3:15pm (1st -4th class only) - Aoife Cartwright CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Stage Academy: with Paul Byrom Booterstown. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. New Term 11th September -27th November.
- Alto School of Music: Starting 9th Monday & Fridays. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Art: Tuesdays starting 17th September to 10th December inclusive – Evelyn Healy
Junior & Senior Infants 1:15pm – 2:15pm 1st to 6th class 2:15pm to 3:15pm Cost €145 (12 Classes)
CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Johnny's After School PE CLUB: Johnny will be doing his After-School PE Cub for Junior & Senior infants starting on Tuesday 3 September. He will do the school pick up at 1.15 pm and bring the boy's to Booterstown Park. Pick up is from Booterstown Park at 2.15 pm. Please click on the following link to book your place. be doing ourAfter-School PE Cub for 1st - 6th class starting on Thursday 11 April. He will do the school pick up at 2.15 pm and bring the boy's to Booterstown Park. Pick up is from Booterstown Park at 3.15 pm. Please click on the following link to book yourplace
- Chess: Thursdays starting 12th September to 12th December 2:15pm to 3:15pm (2nd to 6th Class) CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Steam Academy: Wednesdays starting 11th September to 18th December Junior & Senior Infants 1:15pm – 2:15pm 1st to 6th Class 2:15pm to 3:15pm.
- Spanish Class:Monday 16th September for 12 weeks 1:15pm to 2:00pm (JI & SI) 2:15pm to 3:00pm (1st to 6th Class) CONTACT:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- French Classes: Olé School of Languages. Friday Afternoons. Starting 4th October for 10 weeks. Junior and Senior Infants register here. Junior and Senior Infants Registration and 1st-6th classes register here 1st-6th Classes Registration
Kind regards,
Noel Scully. Principal.