CHRISTMAS FAIR: Our Christmas Fair is on this coming Sunday. December 1st from 12:00 to 14:30 in the main school building. Please see link to details about the fair, donations, the kids’ raffle prize list and information on where and when to drop off items for the Fair. We look forward to seeing you all at the event. Christmas Fair Information. All details have also been emailed to the whole school community.
TESCO MERRION: (in The Merrion Centre, Merrion Road,D04 YX39) has chosen the St. Mary's BNS Parents' Association as one of their community fund participants, starting Monday 25 November for 12 weeks. Please drop in to do a shop and pop the blue tokens in the relevant box to support Mary's BNS.
SAVE THE DATES: We are happy to inform you of the dates and times of our Christmas performances. Pupils from 2nd - 6th Classes will participate in our Senior Carol Service which will take place on Thursday 19th December at 7:30 pm in Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Booterstown Ave. More information will follow at a later date. Junior performances will take place in the Old School Hall beside The Lighthouse on the following dates:
Junior Infants: Tuesday 17th December at 12:00 pm
1st Class: Wednesday 18th December at 1:00 pm
Senior Infants: Thursday 19th December at 12:00 pm
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. / If you can please help your child practise Irish these phrases of the month? 1. Tá an leanbh Íosa ag teacht / Baby Jesus is coming 2. Ta Daidí na Nollag ag teacht./ Santa Claus is coming 3. Nollaig Shona agus Áthbhliain Faoi Mhaise/ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year? 4. Is maith liom bachlóga Bruiséile...I like Brussels sprouts.
PLAYFUL LEARNING: LETS TALK MATHS. Over the coming months all classes engage with the New Primary Maths Curriculum. One aspect of the new curriculum is active, playful engagement which encourages children to demonstrate creativity, agency and independence. Within these lessons, the children have 4 freedoms (Ronda 2012); the freedom to ask questions, make mistakes, choose their own methods and think for themselves. 1st to 6th classes have recently working on been working on Odd One Out. Every child has their own entry point with the Let’s Talk Wheel to help support them in their thinking, sharing, examining, revoicing, extending and reflecting. Over the coming months we will share some of these “Let’s Talk Maths” with you.
ODD ONE OUT Odd One Out Information Sheet Odd One Out activities ask learners to identify which picture, image or number doesn’t belong. There is no right or wrong answer and success is based on ability to justify answer. By encouraging all learners to ‘have a go’ and ‘valuing all contributions’, odd one out activities develop the skills of reasoning and communicating. Please see one above. Best of luck. There are many more at this link. Odd One Out Information Sheet
NEW PRIMARY MATHS CURRICULUM: INFORMATION FOR PARENTS: Please see link to the latest Department of Education communication on the Primary Maths Curriculum and The Primary Curriculum Framework. The Redevelopment of The Primary School Curriculum: Continuing the Journey. Please see link to previous parent information note from Department of Education. Information Note on Primary Maths Curriculum.
Kind regards,
Noel Scully. Principal.