STORM ÉOWYN RED STATUS WEATHER WARNING SCHOOL CLOSED: Saint Mary's is closed Friday January 24th 2025 due to red status weather warning.Please stay safe everyone.
WEBINAR ON AUTISM AND PLURALINGUALISM : Mother are about to begin a wonderful collaboration with AsIAm, Ireland's Autism Charity. Together with Dr Bérengère Digard, they will present a free webinar about plurilingualism in the Autistic community next Tuesday 28th January. Whether one or many, the languages we speak help shape our identities, cultures, social and cognitive development, while also fostering inclusion. Please see sign up link below to registration for webinar.
Mother Tongues and AsIam Webinar.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Catholic Schools Week is being celebrated this year from Sunday 19th January until Saturday 25th. Each day in school a reflection followed by prayer will be read over the intercom. We also look forward to a visit from our parish priests during the week.
On Thursday January 23rd at the 10:00 a.m. Mass in the Church of the Assumption, Booterstown Ave, the role of Grandparents is being celebrated. Our 2nd Class, along with pupils from Our Lady of Mercy School, will be in attendance and participate in the Mass. Grandparents of pupils in the two parish schools are very welcome to attend the Mass if it is possible for them to do so. There will be refreshments in the Pastoral Centre after the Mass. Any grandparents unable to attend are welcome to view the Mass via the church webcam.
CROSSING THE ROAD SAFELY: Can we please ask all parents/ guardians to discuss with their children the rules of the road and to reinforce the following:
1. Always use designated pedestrian crossings or footbridges.
2. Stay alert: Remind them to stay vigilant and avoid distractions while crossing the road.
3. Look both ways: even where a student has a green pedestrian light to always pause to ensure that the traffic has come to a stop.
4. Walk, don’t run: Running across the road can be dangerous; walking ensures they have better control and visibility.
We also ask you and your child to continue to use the Grotto Avenue / Grotto Place paths up to the school rather than walk or congregate on the roads.
FRÁSAÍ NA MÍOSA/ GAEILGE/ CONTENT LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: Más féidir libh cabhrú le bhúr bpáiste frásaí na míosa a chleachtadh sa bhaile. / If you can please help your child practise Irish these phrases of the month? 1. Tá an aimsir fuar/ The weather is cold. 2. Táim ag imirt cluichí ríomhaire/I'm playing computer games. 3. Is iad mo chairde Pól, Seán agus Mithran. / Paul, Seán and Mithran are my friends. 4. An féidir leat cabhrú liom? / Can you help me?
COMMUNION PREPARATION PROGRAMME: The parish catechists are inviting parents of candidates to attend a parent information evening on Thursday the 23rd of Jan at 7.30 p. in the Parish Centre. The meeting should last approximately 45 minutes when they will explain in greater detail all about their role in the preparation of your children, how you can help your child at home and the link between the church, home and school in the preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. All Communion Candidates are invited to enrol on this faith journey by attending Mass on either Sat the 25th of Jan at 6p.m on Sunday the 26th of Jan at 11 am when they will be officially welcomed by the parish and parishioners and prayed for in a special way as they commence the preparation for the Sacraments. The catechists look forward to meeting you all on Jan 23rd and thereafter at the various events and celebrations to mark this special year in their lives.
HSE ADVISE ON FLU: As the cold weather continues, the HSE public health division has asked for your help in sharing the following important information with your school community: For more information, go to
- Flu is circulating widely in the community, with children being significantly affected.
- Please remind families that anyone who is unwell should remain at home to help prevent the spread of infection.
- Cough and sneeze etiquette, along with regular hand hygiene, are essential to limiting the spread of illness.
- The free nasal flu vaccine for children aged 2–17 is still available through local pharmacies and GPs.
TESCO MERRION: (in The Merrion Centre, Merrion Road, D04 YX39) has chosen the St. Mary's BNS Parents' Association as one of their community fund participants, starting Monday 25 November for 12 weeks. Please drop in to do a shop and pop the blue tokens in the relevant box to support Mary's BNS.
LET’S TALK MATHS: SALT & PEPPER: Salt and Pepper is one strategy, which 1st to 6th class have begun to use to structure Maths Talk. To use this strategy, learners work in pairs and are assigned a name, for example one is Salt and one is Pepper. When working on a task, for example, “Odd One Out” Salt may turn to Pepper and says which one is the odd one out and why. Pepper repeats/re voices what Salt said and agrees or disagrees. Both then have a discussion, agree a resolution then make a ‘learning bridge’, by making a fist and holding it against their partner’s fist, to show they have completed the task. See link. Salt & Pepper and Odd One Out
PRIMARY MATHS SCHOOLBOOK SCHEME: The Department of Education is now in its second year of the Primary Schoolbooks Scheme. The Department of Education is also in the process of evaluating the scheme. An important part of the evaluation is to gather information and feedback from parents, who are key stakeholders in the scheme. The Department has developed a short survey for parents. It takes less than 5 minutes. The Department of Education would also really appreciate it if you could complete the short survey which the school will email to you via Aladdin. Please see link to original Information leaflet from Minister of Education Norma Foley forwarded to you all in May 2024. Primary Schoolbook Scheme 2024/2025.
PRIMARY MATHS TRAINING DAY FOR TEACHERS: Our Primary Maths Training Day 2 is taking place in your school on Monday 28th April 2025. The school will be closed on that day for all students. Please note this adds an extra day to the Easter Holidays for students.
Kind regards, Noel Scully . Principal.