SEACHTAINE NA GAEILGE: St. Mary’s Boys’ National School is, as always, very proud to celebrate Seachtaine na Gaeilge, with a range of activities taking place during the school week, such as ‘Raidió na Scoile’ (school radio), ‘Tráth na gCeist’ (quiz),‘Comórtas Ealaíne’ (art competition) ‘Scéalaíocht’ (story telling), ‘Biongó’ (bingo) and a big focus on speaking Gaeilge. One of the highlights of the week was our ‘Taispeántas’ (performance) held in the school playground. It was great to see our parents come to support us. It was also also our ‘Lá Glas’ where we wore green items of clothing.Lá Fhéile Phádraig Daoibh Go Léir.