Saint Mary's has set up its ATP - Action Team Partnership as part of Partnership Schools Ireland.
This programme aims to ensure better outcomes for children by promoting partnerships between schools, families and wider communities. It is a joint initiative by the National Parents Council, and the Irish Primary Principals' Network and is partly funded by the Department of Education.
We have completed our workshops with the National Parents' Council.
The work of a “Partnership School” is driven by an Action Team for Partnerships (ATP).
Saint Mary's has formed its ATP consisting of 2 students, 2 parents, 2 teachers, 2 community members and the school principal.
Each year, the ATP leads the work on four goals. These are:
These goals and all of the events and activities needed to achieve them are written in a "One Year Action Plan for Partnerships" which will be shared with all in the Saint Mary's Community over the coming school year.
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